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Beginner’s Pluck

Beginner’s Pluck

Personal Development | Liz Forkin Bohannon | Baker Books—available at Paper Plus and on Amazon
Liz Forkin Bohannon’s compelling speech at last year’s Global Leadership Summit encouraged me to pick up her book. In Beginner’s Pluck, Liz urges us to rethink everything we have been told about finding our passion and chasing our dreams. Instead, she builds a case for not finding, but actively building lives of passion, purpose and impact drawing on what she refers to as our superpower—beginner’s pluck. Through a blend of hilarious and heartbreaking stories, Liz shares her journey of building global fair trade fashion brand Sseko Designs, together with 14 actionable principles that guide us to access the counterintuitive magic of Beginner’s Pluck. These principles include ‘own your average’, ‘dream small’ and ‘choose curiosity over criticism’. An affirming and inspiring read for anyone seeking to embrace their inner beginner. (Reviewed by Kelly Cooper)

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