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God in the Past, Present and Future

God in the Past, Present and Future

We look back and thank God. This year is a year of celebration: 140 years of The Salvation Army in New Zealand and 50 years
in Fiji. God is using and working through the Army today, as he has over the last 140 years.

We look forward and trust God. Jesus said, ‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full’ (John 10:10b). We want to see people living free from material hardship, living healthy and resilient lives and engaged in healthy relationships. In all of this, we long to see people connecting to the great transforming love that we find in Jesus. What a vision we have before us: a vision of the many thousands we encounter finding connection and belonging; of communities being re-formed as people discover hope, faith, freedom and abundant life.

We look around and serve God. We must keep adapting to how we outwork God’s mission. We are a movement, not a static, unchanging entity. We need to be adventurous, stepping out in faith and trying new ways to engage our community—to care for people, transform lives and reform society. Our faith communities are a place of acceptance where all are welcome as family members in Christ and supported in a holistic way—physically, emotionally and spiritually.

We look within and invite God. I encourage you to look within yourself and invite God to speak to you about where he personally wants you to go and what he wants you to do to serve him faithfully as his disciple, while utilising your gifts, talents and experiences; to go into your community and reflect and represent Jesus to everyone. Will you ask God where you fit into his mission for Te Ope Whakaora, The Army that Brings Life?

We look back and thank God; we look forward and trust God; we look around and serve God where he has placed us in community; and, we look within and invite God.

Colonel Gerry Walker

Colonel Gerry Walker
Chief Secretary

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