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Today I’m Thankful For…

Today I’m Thankful For…

Recently, at a weekend away with some friends, we were chatting about marriage and relationship advice. A friend shared a little routine she has initiated with her husband to express and share gratitude. My friend easily notices things around her she finds joyful, and so she suggested it as a way for her and her husband to connect and check in at the end of the day.

As time has passed, her husband has become increasingly excited to talk about what he has been grateful for and is often the first to initiate ‘sharing gratitude’ when they are together. Additionally, my friend has found that it has been a way for both of them to acknowledge what they have been grateful for in each other across the day, which they may not otherwise think to bring up.

My husband and I have started to do this too, and I have enjoyed sharing the joyful parts of my day with him. But the beautiful aspect of this habit is also recognising the things I am grateful to God for in my mundane day-to-day life. Sometimes it ends up being incidental and a bit silly, like ‘thank you that there were biscuits at work today’ or ‘thank you for letting me see two dogs this afternoon!’ Not exactly psalm-worthy praise. But God appreciates our sharing those little things that bring us joy; he knows all about them and likes to hear what has been good and fun and wonderful for us.

Just as we remember the things that brought us joy over the day, expressing gratitude gives us a deeper awareness of what our loved ones are doing for us and this strengthens our relationships.

The same can be said for our relationship with God when we slow down and share our gratitude for his presence in our lives.

WORDS Holly Morton-Chong | ART Sam Coates

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