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Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands

Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands

Christian Living | Paul David Tripp | P&R Publishing

This book is like chatting with a wise old friend, one that leaves you with some stellar pearls of wisdom. It’s an encouragement for everyone—not just pastors or ministry leaders—that we all have the ability to give real help and hope to the people around us. Tripp skilfully weaves Scripture with real-life examples, outlining how we can better serve others by speaking the truth in love and genuine empathy. By the end of this read, I was thinking of my relationships in a whole new light. We can all become God’s instruments. So, if you’re on a journey of spiritual development, or perhaps you’re involved in counselling (officially or unofficially), this is a must-read. (Reviewed by Julia Martino)

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