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John Mark Comer Teachings Podcast

John Mark Comer Teachings Podcast

Religion and Spirituality | Available wherever you listen to podcasts
John Mark Comer has been described as the millennial version of Dallas Willard. Passionate about spiritual formation, learning to ‘be with Jesus, become like him, and do what he did’ is Comer’s framework of Christian practice. A contemplative, he has a master’s degree in theology and seven New York Times Best Sellers, including The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, Live No Lies and his latest manifesto Practicing the Way, where Comer explores the question of what it means to actually practise the way of Jesus in today’s complex, secular world. Comer is an excellent Bible teacher and very well read. This podcast is essentially a collection of 50-minute sermons, but they are so good—five stars! (Reviewed by Jules Badger)

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