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Comedy/Drama (M, violence and offensive language) | Directed by Hamish Bennett and Paul Middleditch | See in theatres

Race, identity and belonging are a maelstrom of complexity, and it’s a rare film that can navigate these themes head-on, while still bringing enough humour and charm to have the audience leave with a smile. Uproar is one such film. Led by the effortless charisma of Julian Dennison, the anguished restraint of James Rolleston (the boy from Boy) and the long-suffering hopefulness of Minnie Driver, the story follows a young ‘brown boy’ trying to find his footing amid the turmoil of the infamous 1981 Springbok tour of New Zealand. Cast almost entirely with New Zealand actors executing at a high level, Uproar is highly recommended viewing. (Reviewed by Sam Coates)

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